The words you speak have power. They have the power to speak life or death into your situation and the people around you. (Proverbs 18:21) With your words you can bless or you can curse and what you speak forth will come true.

If you look throughout the Bible you will find stories in which people have changed their lives or the lives of others through the words they spoke.

Jotham prophesied the death of Abimelech with his words. (Judges 9:16-20; 23) Isaac blessed his son Jacob with his words. (Genesis 27:27) Jesus cast out demons with His words. (Matthew 17:18)

The same power that they used to bless and curse people and cast out demons, is the same power you have in your words today. But how are you using it?

How are You Using Your Power?

The people mentioned before, used their words to bring about powerful change in their lives and the lives of others. But what are you using your words for?

Are you using your words to complain or to speak badly about a work colleague? Are your words being used to gossip and participate in idle talk? To discourage others or even yourself?

These are not good ways to use the power that God has given you.

You have the same power within you that cast out demons and parted Red Seas, the same power that raised Jesus from the dead. (Romans 8:11) That is mighty power that should not be used idly or thoughtlessly.

You need to be careful about the words you speak and you must start examining what is coming out of your mouth.

You Must Examine Your Words

Instead of venting your emotions or just speaking the first thing that comes into your mind, you need to stop and examine the words you are about to speak. Your words have power and this power will manifest itself in one way or another.

If you keep saying that you are good at nothing and will always fail. Guess what? You will be good at nothing and you will end up failing at the things you try to do.

The effect of the things you say won’t always be made evident in that very moment. Sometimes it will take months and even years for the impact of your words to be felt. But it will be felt.

So how do you keep yourself from falling prey to the things you say? How do you use the power of in your words?

You start by refusing to use your words to speak negatively and instead use the power in your words positively. Here are 3 ways you can do that.


1. Use the Power of Your Words to Bless

Just as with negative words, the positive words you speak can also have an impact. So instead of using your words to complain or gossip or curse others use your words to bless.

In Proverbs 17:24 it says “Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health too the bones.”

When you use the power of your words to bless and speak kind words over others, you will bless them. You will bring sweetness and health to them.

So instead of saying words like You are useless. You’re not going to go far in life, say words such as You are blessed. There is hope in your future. God is going to do great things through you.

These kinds of words will bless the person whose ears and heart you speak into. Such words will also bless you.

People often forget that the words they speak are also the words that they will hear. That is why when you speak life giving words into someone else, your spirit will also be filled with life.

2. Use the Power of Your Words to Declare

What better way to use the power of your words than to declare God’s truth over your life?

The Bible has words that promise that there is hope in your future (Jeremiah 31:17), that you have authority over all the power of the enemy. (Luke 10:19) These are the truths you should be declaring.

When you declare these words by faith and with the authority given to you by God, you will see change in your life. These spirit-filled words will strengthen you. They will revive you and encourage you.


3. Use the Power of Your Words in Prayer

Another great way to use your words is in prayer.

We are told in 2 Thessalonians 5:17 to pray without ceasing. So, instead of wasting time speaking foolishly, use the power of your words to pray.

There is power in prayer. It brings about change, especially when you pray with faith. You will get what you pray for. (Mark 20:24)

Instead of complaining about a situation, pray over it and thank the Lord that He is bringing the solution. Pray over your future. Pray for those you know rather than speaking negatively about them.

You can also use the power in your words to bring glory to God. Magnify the Lord and bless Him. (Psalm 24:1)  This is a far better way to use the power that resides in your words.

Your Words Will Be Accounted For

Before you open your mouth, remember that you will be held accountable for all the words you speak. (Matthew 12:36-37)

So use your words wisely. Speak words that give grace and that will edify you and those around you. (Ephesians 4:29)

Let the Holy Spirit speak through you and as you continually seek the Lord let Him reveal to you better ways that you can use the power of your words.