The words you speak have power. They have the power to speak life or death into your situation and the people around you. (Proverbs 18:21) With your words you can bless or you can curse and what you speak forth will...
When you become a Christian you automatically become a child of God but that does not mean you automatically become perfect. Being a Christian does not mean that you will always say right things. Or that everything you...
When people talk of God’s will for their lives, they are often thinking of some great plan God has for them in the future. This plan usually has something to do with gifts, talents and careers. But that is a very...
Do you ever find yourself busy? Always rushing into the next moment and thinking about the next thing to do? Well, join the club. It’s a large one. Almost everyone seems to be asking themselves – What’s next? Where do...
I don’t feel like God has forgiven me. I don’t feel like I am loved. I don’t feel like I am healed. Any of these phrases sound familiar? Sometimes we can fall into basing what we believe on what we feel. We are more...