What to Do When You Get to the Promised Land

What to Do When You Get to the Promised Land

Life In the Bible, the Lord made a great promise to the children of Israel. He vowed to take them out of their bondage in Egypt and carry them to Canaan. Canaan, the Israelites’ Promised Land, was a good land (Deuteronomy...
by Oct 12, 2020
Why We Need Daily Manna

Why We Need Daily Manna

Life When the Israelites left Egypt, they wandered in the wilderness for many years. There was not much that could be consumed in that desert land, so the Lord gave them a very special food to eat called manna. (Exodus...
by Oct 6, 2020
Do Not Grow Weary in Doing Good

Do Not Grow Weary in Doing Good

Life It is so much easier to do good in the early stages of your Christian walk; when you first hear the good news and you catch on fire for the things of God. You begin to desire to manifest the abundant life God promises...
by Sep 28, 2020