No one likes to be in trouble. At the slightest hint of it most of us cry out, “God save me. Deliver me now!” We get desperate for a way out and a way out only. How many times have you begged God to take you out of a...
To Watch: How To Handle Unanswered Prayers | Praying Through Disappointment| Pastor Ken Claytor Often, unanswered prayers can really change the way we view God and how we think about His will. In this video, Pastor Ken...
Perhaps you’re walking through something difficult and you feel that by letting go of your anger or sorrow and embracing joy you are somehow permitting the hardship to continue. You are saying, in a way, that it can...
To Watch: Michael Todd: No Mistake is Too BIG for God | TBN It takes courage to admit that sometimes the mistakes we made are ones we chose to. Maybe you’re facing the consequences of a bad decisions. That’s okay....
In our world today, with things like social media constantly measuring us, there’s constant pressure to publish our successes and accomplishments and look our best. As a result we live in a state of constant...
Throughout the Bible, God has made it clear to His people that He is with them. In Joshua 1:9 God says to Moses Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for...