Love is not as elusive as we think, I’m no expert on the subject but I know that if we are so loved by God and he is Love eternal, then surely there’s some room for it between us. In fact maybe if we changed the way we think about it there might actually be some light at the end of the tunnel. I’m talking sustainable, forever and a day with your one Bae kind of Love, be there because there isn’t anywhere else you’d rather be kind of love, fulfilled in God and add salt to the Earth kind of Love.
The world is already so full of darkness that sometimes it seems there’s no hope. Gloom and doom for free, just have a random conversation with people these days and you can leave with a list of everything that’s wrong. There’s no room for what’s right unless it’s an over projected all too perfect image of happiness on Social Media or a puritan approach to the Gospel.
We have self-help books for every other problem but nothing to replace good old fashioned relating, cognitive thought processes and wise decision making. We’ve begun to live in virtual reality, act like a Lady but be like a man, slip into filthy shades of grey and put our best game forward to get any man you want. Some men are more effeminate than a room full of women and some women are tougher than a team of rugby playing gym buffs. How on earth can one ever find the other?
In the midst of this my heart has been so bent and broken in like a gazillion different directions that at one point I wondered if there was still anything left to bend or break. It felt like that heaving motion when your body is out of throw-up but it still heaves literally to no avail. After while though it calms down and you’re the better for it if that’s what you choose. At that point you know how Not to handle your troubles, what Not to drink and who Not to hang out with when you’re that low.
I don’t know if I can fully blame my bended brokenness on how “messed up” the world is because as much as some of the stuff is almost tragic, I still had my 50% of a choice in the matter. For every disappointment I invested my lot and when asked or confronted with a situation I still reserved the right to say No but I chose to Yes past my better judgement.
Needless to say at every point I have turned off the radar (*my intuitive GPS freely made available by the Holy Spirit for my good and nothing else) I have ignorantly sailed in bliss until I wound up ship wrecked and more annoyingly so by the fact that I chose. How frustrating is that? Having 50% of the responsibility rather than the mean old world bullying you because you’re such a softie (Softex Super Saver hahahahahaha…been laughing at my own jokes forever…don’t jurdge me LOL).
Anyway confession time….there are some tricks I’ve picked up that have helped me or still need to help me on my journey. I mean some of this stuff I’m learning literally as I go along but I’m going to share what I do have to help someone who isn’t there yet or someone who as my friend would say is “full of I-know”.
Learn to Listen and take time to understand, I read somewhere that one of the biggest communication problems is that people do not listen to understand, they listen to reply. This equates to talking at someone rather than with them. When you listen only to reply your brain picks out all the juiciest portions and works out how much better what you have to say is than the issue at hand. At the end of it you outwit that Dummy but the joke’s on you when you stay alone or despised for the rest of your life. No one wants a trash-talker, its highly unattractive. Who wants to hear about how intelligent you think you are when you lack basic conversation skills and care too much for the sound of your own voice?
If you’re a Lady guys will simply use you if you are available for use (available for use…that’s a whole other topic for more detail another day) and reject you for a more intelligent communicator. If you are a man chicks will simply spend your money and play you like a Nintendo only to break it off when you have invested sufficiently in them for another man. We contribute more to our problems and areas of delay than we think. If someone could stand up and objectively take responsibility for their 50% their luck in love would also suck that percentage less and maybe attract another 50% to make it work.
More to be confessed next week….