To Watch: Build For the Kingdom Now by Chris Yoon

Do you feel like God has impressed it upon your heart to do something? Maybe branch out into a new career, start a particular project or get on a specific platform?

Well then, now is the time to do it because that may be how God wants you to advance His kingdom.

In this video, Chris Yoon gives a word of encouragement to those who feel God is calling them to do something and reveals the importance of using your gifts to build for God’s kingdom, now.

Tune in and learn more.


To Listen: God of Purpose by Metro Life Worship

Have you often found yourself thinking:  I just don’t know what I want to do with my life? Are you uncertain about what career you should pursue or desperate to know what’s up ahead for you?

Well then this song, “God of Purpose” is a must listen for you.

If you are in a time of questions and doubts about your life’s purpose, this song will encourage you to “embrace the unknown” and trust God to show you His plan and purpose for you, in every season.

Listen in and be encouraged.


To Read: Finding Your Life Purpose

Why are you alive? What’s the purpose of your life? Why did God create you?

These are just some of the questions you might ask as you seek to find your purpose in life. But maybe you’ve been seeking but not finding any answers.

In this blog titled “Finding Your Purpose”, Tyndale give Biblical insight into the reason for your existence and share ways you can find your purpose in God.

If you’re in need of that, read this blog and be enlightened.


To Do: Remember: You Have Purpose In Jesus

When thinking of purpose one can often think that it has to be something grand. Maybe some career that leads you to speak at numerous conferences, become a social media influencer or even touch the lives of millions of people.

But you do not determine whether your life is purposeful by the number of people who see you or the amount of people you impact.

Whether you are standing on a stage every week or you are at home with your family most of the time, your life is still full of purpose. It is still full of meaning, simply because you now live for Christ.

So as you go about your days this week, remember that you have purpose in Jesus and everything you do whether it is big or seemingly small, matters.

Bible Verse: Psalm 20:4 (NKJV)

May He grant you according to your heart’s desire,

And fulfill all your purpose.

Each of us has dreams and desires in our hearts and as this verse reveals, God is fully capable of fulfilling them. In fact, He is willing to.

God wants to give you heart’s desire and fulfill your purpose. And He is able to do so in a greater way than you could ever think or imagine.

So as you meditate on this verse, I pray that those God given desires in your heart be granted and all the purposes God has for you are fully fulfilled, in Jesus Christ name.