It’s amazing when we realise that the God of the whole earth would forgive all our shameful actions, our wrong doings and our shortcomings. However living in the light of God’s forgiveness isn’t always easy.
When we first learn of God’s abundant grace and His forgiveness, our hearts are filled with joy. But sadly, that joy seems to disappear for some of us when we become Christians.
It’s easy to accept God’s forgiveness when you’ve come from living a life far removed from Him. But when we become Christians, for some reason, we tend to forget about that forgiveness. We tend to fall into fear and condemnation and forget that God’s forgiveness isn’t just for the newly saved, but it’s something He offers to us every single day.
God’s Forgiveness is for Every Day
God extends His grace and His forgiveness to us every day of our lives. Not just when we become born again.
God has already forgiven all our sin; past, present and future sin. (Hebrews 9:12) But sometimes we tend to forget the present and future part. But it’s important to understand that both those sins are just as forgiven as your past ones. Once you grasp this, you will be able to see how God’s grace works in your life every day.
Every day He gives you grace and every day He forgives you. So, in those moments when you don’t do the right thing or act like you’re supposed to, you must remember that God has already forgiven you. It’s just up to you to receive His forgiveness.
You’ve Got to Receive God’s Forgiveness
Often what prevents us from feeling forgiven is our inability to receive God’s forgiveness.
When we make terrible or seemingly terrible mistakes, we condemn ourselves. We fall into a pit of self-hatred and pity, mulling over all that is wrong with us. All the while thinking that there is absolutely no way God can forgive us this time.
First of all, that is far from true. There is nothing that God has not already forgiven you for. Secondly, to think that you are too far removed from God’s forgiveness is disrespectful of what Jesus did on the cross. So is thinking that by sulking and being miserable you’ll somehow atone for your sins.
You will never be able to fully atone for your sins. So you need to stop trying. Jesus already atoned for you. What you need to do now is receive God’s forgiveness.
That means putting aside those feelings of condemnation and thanking God for His abundant grace. Thank Him that He has already forgiven you. Then move on. This is how you live in the light of God’s forgiveness.
Living in the Light of God’s Forgiveness
Living in the light of God’s forgiveness means to be constantly aware that you have already been forgiven. It means living a life that shows you understand this truth.
God’s forgiveness is something you need to constantly remind yourself of, because there will be times when those condemning and accusatory thought come. Those thoughts that say you’re a useless Christian, a terrible person who is not worthy to be used by God.
When these thoughts come you must remind yourself that God has already supplied you with more than enough grace to cover your mistakes. You must remind yourself that you are forgiven and you are no longer condemned.
You are No Longer Condemned
To live in the light of God’s forgiveness, you must remember that you are no longer condemned. (Romans 8:1) You are justified and you are the righteousness of God in Jesus Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:21)
God does not tell us that that when we become Christians, it’s now up to us to maintain our righteousness. But with the way some of us behave once we become Christians, you would think that He had.
God makes it very clear in the Bible that our righteousness comes from Jesus and Jesus alone. No one but Jesus can make you righteous and nothing you do can make you righteous. And just as nothing can make you righteous, nothing can take away your righteousness.
A righteous person cannot be condemned by past or present sins. And a person who is not condemned is completely forgiven.
You are Completely Forgiven
As you go through life, there will be plenty of times when you come face to face with how imperfect you are. There will be times when you make mistakes.
But don’t let those moments intimidate you or shake you. Remind yourself that you are now the righteousness of God Himself. You can no longer be condemned by your failure. You have been redeemed by Jesus Christ and you are completely and absolutely, forgiven. So live in the light of that.