I don’t feel like God has forgiven me. I don’t feel like I am loved. I don’t feel like I am healed.

Any of these phrases sound familiar?

Sometimes we can fall into basing what we believe on what we feel.

We are more likely to agree with verses like 1 Peter 2:24 when we’re feeling healthy. When we’re feeling confident it’s easier to believe that we can do all things through Christ (Philippians 4:13). But, when our feelings don’t match Scripture, we tend to fall into unbelief.

That is not how it should be.

Faith is not a feeling. As Christians we are not called to base our belief and actions on what we feel, but on our faith.

We Walk by Faith


For we walk by faith, not by sight.

(2 Corinthians 5:7 (NKJV))


The verse above does not say “we walk by feelings”, but by faith. As Christians we are called to walk by faith and faith has nothing to do with feelings. (Hebrews 11:1)

Think of Abraham. When the Lord told Him he would have an heir from his own body (Genesis 15:4) he most probably didn’t feel like someone capable of having a child.

But guess what? He had faith in God (Genesis 15:6, Romans 4:20-21) and sure enough the Lord blessed him with a son. (Genesis 21:2-3)

When Gideon was told that he would deliver Israel from the Midianites, he didn’t feel like he was capable. (Judges 6:15) But he stepped out in faith and ended up defeating Midianite armies. (Judges 7:22)

How about Jesus? He wasn’t born just knowing he was the Son of God. He too had to walk by faith. There may have been times when He didn’t feel like the Son of the Almighty. But still, He let faith guide His actions and did might works.

So you see, the way you walk with and receive from God has nothing to do with feelings and everything to do with faith and the truth.


Faith is About the Truth

If you step outside and look up you’ll see that the sky is blue. (Depending on whether or not there are clouds in the sky today) Now you could say that you don’t feel like the sky is blue. But guess what? It will remain blue.

The truth of what colour the sky is will not change, regardless of how you feel.

It’s the same for us as Christians. The things revealed to us in the Word will remain true whether we feel they are or not.

God says you are no longer condemned. (Romans 8:1) He says that you are a new creation in Christ. He promises that by your faith you have overcome. (1 John 5:4) Your faith should be based upon these truths.

You need to walk like someone who is not condemned. Walk like a new creation and someone who overcomes, regardless of what you feel.

Not All Feelings are Bad

Although we are called to walk by faith, it doesn’t mean we are to completely discard our feelings. The Lord is the one who gave us the ability to feel after all.

God does not ask us to move through life as robots, reacting to situations based only on things we know intellectually.

There are times when following what you feel can be helpful.

For example, have you ever been faced with making a decision? You have to options but have a bad feeling about the one, but then choose it anyway. Then, sometime down the line you realise that sure enough, you had made the wrong decision and you should have just listened to what you were feeling.

Sometimes the Lord can use your feelings to warn you of things to come or caution you. Your feelings can also give you insight into what’s happening in your spirit.

If you’re feeling inexplicably sad, the enemy could be trying to oppress you. Or if you are filled with joy the Lord could informing you of a victory in an area you’ve been praying for.

So you see, not all feelings are bad. But you must be careful about making a decision or walking into something based on your feelings.


Be Discerning

In the Bible we are called to walk in wisdom and discretion. (Philippians 1:9-10) This is especially the case when it comes to feelings.

Instead of rushing into a decision based on what you feel, pause. Pray and ask the Lord to help you discern whether there is something wrong or whether your emotions are simply getting in the way.

If they are, the Holy Spirit will strengthen you and help you work around them. But if there is something to what you’re feeling it’s best to ask the Lord what you need to do instead.

Remember that What God Says is True

There are times when your feelings can be your greatest enemy. They can force you to believe anything but the truth. In those moments you must remember that God cannot lie. (Titus 1:2) What He says about you is true, no matter what.

So walk in the light of the truth of God’s Word not your feelings. Remember that you are a Child of God (Romans 8:16) and that all the Lord’s promises to you are Yes and Amen (2 Corinthians 1:20). You don’t have to feel it, just believe it and have faith.