To Watch

Bishop T.D. Jakes – If I Were You, I Wouldn’t Wait Too Long

In this sermon, Bishop Jakes talks about the importance of time. Time is one of the most valuable things we have because it is finite. If a moment passes we can never get it back again. Bishop Jakes encourages us to not delay the things we are called to do. The sermon is based on 2 Timothy chapter 4, where Paul is telling Timothy to ‘Come Before Winter.’ I hope this message provokes your sense of urgency as you go about living the purpose that God has put you on the earth for.  


To Listen

Lecrae – Timepiece

In this week’s song, Lecrae makes a clever play with words by using the luxury watch brand Audemars  to remind us of the importance of time. God is the one who is in control of time and He decides how much each one us gets. Any second can be your last so make each and every one count.


To Read

To read this week, we have an article by Rick Segal. In the article he talks about the dangers of getting too caught up in time management that we end up losing sight of the important things in life. He also offers us ways we can use our time in a way that is pleasing to God. I hope you find it edifying. 

To Do

Check Yourself

Life is dynamic. Everything is always changing including us and sometimes we don’t even notice it because the process is slow and gradual. This is why we always need to constantly check ourselves to see if we are still in line with the word of God. Otherwise, you might think you are still standing on the truth when you have actually fallen. So check yourself daily against the word of God in the same manner you take a bath everyday to make sure are clean.

Bible Verse

Ephesians 5:15-17 English Standard Version (ESV)

Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise,making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.

In this week’s verse, highlights two very important things we should pay attention to as we live our lives daily. Those two things are time and the will of God. We are encouraged to always to be aware of how we use our time, taking care to always do the will of God for our lives.