To Watch:  Where’s your joy? by Pastor Steven Furtick

Do you constantly compare yourself to those around you? Are you looking at other people’s lives, ministries, social media pages and families, wishing yours was like their’s? Well then that could be a big reason you’re unhappy with your life.

If you want to start living a joyful life you’ve got to shift your focus. In this sermon Pastor Furtick tells us how we do that, using the example of Jesus he gives us wonderful insight on how to live lives full of joy. Watch this sermon to learn and be enlightened.



To Listen: Jubilee by Maverick City Music (ft Naomi Bryne, Bryan and Katie Torwalt)

“Jubilee” is powerful song released on Maverick City’s new album of the same name. This song is a bold and prophetic declaration that the “seasons changing”, a truth that should fill us with joyful expectation. It is also a powerful promise of healing and hope for anyone who is broken or in bondage. If you feel that’s you, may this song encourage you to keep looking out for wonderful things to come.


To Read: Seeking Happiness Finding Joy by Melanie Newton

So often in life we base our happiness on our circumstances. If things are going well in our lives, when we’ve got a job and money, when we’re healthy and well, then we’re happy.

But in this blog post, Melanie Newton encourages us to look past momentary happiness and seek everlasting joy. A joy that is unaffected by what happens around us and that can only really be found in one place. Read this post to find out where that place is and learn how you can remain perpetually joyful.

To Do: Sing to the Lord

How often do you lift your voice to sing to Lord? Every day? Or only when it’s time to worship in church and your favourite Christian song is playing?

Throughout the Book of Psalms we are constantly encouraged to continuously sing to the Lord and praise His name. (Psalm 34:1) This is because praise is important. The Lord inhabits places filled with praise.

Maybe you don’t think you’re the most amazing singer. But that shouldn’t stop you from singing for and praising the Lord. Make an effort to sing, whether it’s a set time of prayerful praise or a little melody whilst you go about your day. Singing for the Lord will bless and magnify Him and it will also fill your soul with strength and joy.

Bible Verse: Psalm 70:4

Let all those who seek You rejoice and be

Glad in You;

And let those love who Your salvation say continually,

“Let God be magnified.”

In a world increasingly filled with suffering, persecution, disappointment and death it isn’t easy to find anything to be joyful about, especially when your gaze is constantly fixed on the negative.

But as Christians, we are commanded to be joyful in the midst of the chaos. We are urged to rejoice and be glad, not in our circumstances, but in the Lord. We should rejoice in His salvation and magnify His name. May your remember this as you meditate on this verse.