To Watch: How to Embrace Your Purpose by Nona Jones

Every single person on this earth has been given a different purpose. What you are going to do and accomplish in life won’t be the same as what your friend, your husband, your sister or your brother will do. But sometimes we don’t realise that. So we end up doing things simply because other people are doing them; fulfilling a destiny that isn’t ours to fulfil.

In this video, Nona Jones makes it clear that we all have our own, individual God-given purpose. We all have a unique destiny to fulfil. Watch this video to learn how to step into that destiny and do what God has called you to do.


To Listen: Available by Elevation Worship

Your destiny isn’t only about you. What you will accomplish will be for the glory of God and for the good of those around you as well. In order to fulfil your destiny you need to be willing to set aside your selfish ambitions. You must also be willing to be used and led by God.

In this almost spontaneous song “Available” we are ushered into a moment of surrender. We are led to lift our hearts and hands and offer ourselves to God. We are invited to declare “Here I am” and let the Lord use us and guide us to our destinies in Him.


To Read: There’s Room for You (How to stop comparing and start creating) by Ruth Chou Simons

Sometimes our creativity is stunted when we look around at what everyone else is doing. When we scroll through social media and see how awesome other people are at their craft, we can get discouraged. We can think that there is no point in doing something other people are doing better. But in this blog post, artist and author, Ruth Chou Simons, tells us that we shouldn’t feel that way.

We were all given a unique ability to create in so many different ways. So we don’t have to be like other people. We only need to be ourselves. Our destiny is not to create amazing things for ourselves, but to create for the only Person that matters, and that’s God.

Read this blog post and learn how you can stop comparing yourself to others and start doing what you were destined to do.

To Do: Be Faithful

Your destiny might be to be a fashion designer but you’re currently working as a law intern. Or maybe your destiny is to be an engineer but you’re still waiting to study your course.

Maybe you’re not satisfied with where you are and you just want to be done already and start doing what you love. But in order for you to get to the next stage and fulfil your destiny, you have to be faithful where you are. If you cannot be faithful with the least you won’t be faithful with much.

So instead of grumbling and complaining, praise God for where He has placed you. Be joyful. Use the time you are there wisely by bringing glory to God and the Gospel to those around you. Once you do this, you will be a step closer to fulfilling your destiny.

 Bible Verse: Ephesians 5:17 (NKJV)

Therefore do not be unwise, but understand what the will of the Lord is.

To know what your destiny is you need to know what God’s will for you is. That is what this verse is encouraging us to do. You need to understand God’s will. You can’t do what you think is best, you must do what God says is best. Sometimes what we have in mind isn’t what God has in mind. So you need to be wise and discerning.

You must seek the Lord’s counsel concerning everything, including your future and your calling. Once you understand what He desires for you, you can be assured that you’ll be walking in the right path towards your destiny.