To Watch: God Is Not Pleased With Worship by Troy Black

Sometimes, whether you are aware of it or not, you can think that by doing all the “right” things God will be pleased. If you attend church often enough, read the Bible an hour a day, pray for two hours, sing as many worships songs as you can find, God will be pleased with you. But he won’t, because what truly pleases God is faith. This is what Troy Black reveals in this video.

He explains that as a Christian our worship, whatever form it takes, must be built on top of your faith. Not the other way around because God is only pleased by faith.

Watch this video to understand more about this and learn how to live a life filled with faith and pleasing to God.



To Listen: Believe For It by Ce Ce Winans

It can be really hard to live a life of faith when you are surrounded by unbelief; when people filled with doubt are telling you that nothing good will happen or a situation won’t change.

Yet in this beautiful song, gospel legend, Ce Ce Winans, encourages all listeners to stand in faith and believe for change, even when voices around you are saying it’s impossible. You must believe that God will do the amazing and the miraculous.  Have a listen to this awesome song and as you do so, may your faith be increased.


To Read: Walking by Faith by Andrew Wommack

As a mature Christian, it is so important to remember that God never leaves us or forsakes us, He is always with us whether we feel His presence or not. You cannot base your faith on times you feel God’s presence because sometimes you won’t feel it.

That is what Andrew Wommack reminds us of in this article.  He tells us that whether we feel God’s presence or not we must believe in what He has promised in His Word and walk out what we believe in faith.

Read this article if you feel you’ve been struggling with this and learn what it means to live a life of faith.

To Do: Believe God’s Word

In order to start living a life of faith, you have to start believing what God says in His Word and then acting on it. But for as long as God’s Word is just a book filled with beautiful poetry and amazing stories to you and not something you believe in and take seriously, you won’t act on what it says. And your faith will remain dead.

So this week, as you read through the Bible take the words you read seriously, believe in what God is saying. Believe that the words you are reading are true because they are. Believe what God is speaking to you.  As you do this, your faith will be built up and then you can start acting out what the Bible says.


Bible Verse: Romans 5:1 (NKJV)

Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ…

Do you still feel like God is angry with you even though you have accepted Christ into your life? Well then let this verse bring you comfort and remind you that that is not the case.

God’s wrath no longer rests on those who believe in Him and in Jesus Christ whom He sent. You have been justified and made righteous by your faith in Jesus Christ and there is now only peace between you and God. So believe that and know that God’s thoughts towards you are peace and not of evil. He wants to bless you and not to harm you, to give you a hopeful and beautiful future.