To Watch: How to Be Led By the Spirit by Creflo Dollar

As a Christian, you must be led by the Spirit if you want to get to the right destination and be what God has called you to be. In this video, Creflo Dollar gives insight into how to do just that. He also highlights the importance of having the Holy Spirit to empower your life.

Preaching from the Book of Acts, he also gives revelation on the difference between salvation and baptism of the Holy Spirit and how you can let the Holy Spirit make an impact in every single area of your life.

Want to learn more? Watch this.

To Listen: Live by the Spirit by Troy Black

Living by the Spirit means completely surrendering to God and letting go of control. It may seem scary but, in this episode of his podcast “My Prophetic Journal”, Troy Black emphasises that it is also a very essential thing to do.

Sharing revelations God has given him on the importance of living by His Spirit alone, Troy explains how you can live with the Holy Spirit and have a guide to help through ever season of life.

Tune in and have a listen.

To Read: How to Be Led by the Spirit of God by Karen Jensen

Have you ever found yourself anxious and worried when making decisions? Or overwhelmed by the responsibilities of life? That could be because you keep attempting to do everything through your own understanding.

In this blog, Karen Jensen gives insight into how you can live a more peaceful and assured life by following the lead of the Holy Spirit. Instead of being led by fear, doubt and the circumstanced of life, you can be led by God’s peace.

Are you desperate to do that?

Read this and learn how.

To Do: Inquire of the Lord

It may sound simple but inquiring of the Lord is a good way to start letting the Holy Spirit lead you in every area of your life.

So, instead of making decisions based on what you think is best, ask God what you should do then wait for His response before you act.

God can respond by quickening a Scripture in your heart, giving you a sense of peace or even giving you a different idea. You just have to listen and grow accustomed to how He speaks to you personally.

As you do this, you will become more sensitive to His voice and know when His Holy Spirit is leading you.

Bible Verse: Romans 8:14 (ESV)

For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.

Maybe you don’t think that being led by the Holy Spirit is very important. But it is.

As this verse reveals, only those who are led by the Spirit can even be counted among the sons of God. Only those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.

So if you’ve been content relying on your own understanding to live in life, now is the time to seriously start relying on the Holy Spirit.

As you think over this verse, ask the Lord to show you areas you need to do that and more ways you can begin being led by His Spirit.