To Watch: What is Truth? by Sadie Robertson

In a generation where people can claim their own truth, it can be easy to dismiss anything that you don’t like, agree with or believe is offensive as a lie.

In this video, Sadie Robertson leads us back to the truth -Jesus. Drawing from the Bible, she teaches the importance of knowing the truth and speaking the truth because, ultimately, it is more loving than a lie.

A message for such a time as this, this video is a must watch for anyone wanting to live a life of truth.

Tune in and be enlightened.


To Listen: Jesus the Truth by New Wine

The first step to living a truthful life is actually knowing the truth. The kind of truth the breaks chains and brings freedom. Such truth is found, not only for Christians, but for everyone, in Jesus Christ.

This song, “Jesus the Truth” is a blessed reminder of that.

Declaring that Jesus is “The way, the truth and the life”, it preaches the gospel reminding us of what He has done whilst also inviting all who listen to “Come”.

Come to Jesus, come to life, come to the truth.

May you be blessed and enlightened as you listen.


To Read: 3 reasons Why Being Honest With Ourselves Is Important In Our Walk With God by JB Cachila

Often, the people we are greatest at deceiving are ourselves. But in order to live a truthful life, you must learn to be honest with yourself.

In this blog, JB Cachila reveals that self-honesty is important in your relationship with others but especially, in your relationship with God.

Read this article and learn three reasons that is the case.

To Do: Examine Everything in the Light Of God’s Word

In a world where celebrities, social media influencers and societal norms can dictate what is good and true, it is important that as a Christian you get your truth from the only place it exists- the Word of God.

That means you should examine everything in the light of God’s Word. This simply means you must make the Word of God your standard.

Turn to the Bible for the truth about marriage, relationships, how to act towards other people and everything that concerns how you live.

When you do this, you will be enabled to live a life in the only real life giving truth.

Bible Verse: Revelation 21:5 (NKJV)

Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” And He said to me, “Write for these words are true and faithful.”

After the Apostle John saw a vision of a new era, where there will be no more death or sorrow God spoke these words to him.

In context, God is confirming that John saw was true and faithful. How amazing!

But it is not only Apostle John’s vision that is true and faithful, all of God’s words written in the Bible are because the God we serve is faithful and true.

So as you meditate on this verse, remember that and know that you can trust God in all things.