To Watch: How To Be Strong In The Lord And The Power Of His Might by Archbishop Nicholas Duncan-Williams

In this time of pandemics and conspiracy theories, it can be easier to feel fear than courage. Yet, as Christians and ambassadors of Jesus Christ we are called to be strong and courageous.

In this video Archbishop Duncan-Williams delivers a powerful message that will fill you with both courage and strength. Reminding us of our heavenly assignment, he emphasizes the importance of not being strong in our ideas or arguments but in the God Himself.

Tune in and learn how find the courage to face your fears.

To Listen: Joy of the Lord by Maverick City Music (Ft Katie Torwalt, Dante Bowe, Naomi Raine)

In the wake of loss, tragedy or pain, the last thing you might feel is strong. But, as Christians, even in the midst of suffering we can find strength and indeed joy, in God.

This powerful and uplifting song by Maverick City Music is a blessed reminder of that. As you listen, may God grant you the grace to sing along that “the joy of the Lord is your strength”, no matter what you are going through.


To Read: What Did God Mean By Be Strong and Courageous? By Sonya Downing

What does it actually mean to be strong and courageous?

Bible verses can often lose their meaning when they become popular and regularly utilised. But as Christians, it’s important to understand what God is communicating through the Scriptures.

In this blog, Sonya Downing gives insight into the well-known Bible Verse, Joshua 1:9. Going back to the Word, she helps us understand what it means to be strong and courageous and how exactly we do that.

Read this to learn more.


To Do: Rely on God’s Strength

Living in times when many can point to degrees, experience, skill and a host of others things as proof of their ability, as Christians, it’s important to remember who truly enables us, God.

God is the One who gifts us. God is the One who enables us. And God is the One who strengthens us.

So as you set out to do anything, always remember that God is your strength and because that is true, you must rely on Him. Not yourself.

When you do so, you won’t have to be afraid of failure or be insecure, for God will perform all things for you.


Bible Verse: 2 Timothy 2:1 (NKJV)

You therefore, my son be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.


It is not by your own great strength or that you have been saved, it is by God’s grace. So instead of relying on yourself, you should do as Paul instructed Timothy, be strong in the grace of Jesus Christ.

The grace that saved you, the grace that keeps you and the grace that will preserve you until His return.