Every week we recommend 5 resources to help you on your christian walk. On our list is something to watch, to listen to, to read, to do and a bible verse. This week we have some very insightful resources that we definately make you rethink some of the behaovior and attitudes we have torwards certain things in life Check it out…
To watch
10 Reasons why musicians should get paid
This week’s video is about how musicians should be paid for their art, esp. in the Church and Christian community. The video was done by South African rapper Black Nubon and his wife Lilly Million who is a notable singer. The two outline the reason why artists should be rewarded for their work in a very interesting and entertaining way. Enjoy.
To Listen
To listen this week is a sermon by Bishop Tudor Bismarck. In the sermon he talks about laziness. The effect it has on our lives and how to overcome it. I hope it edifies you.
To Read
To read this week is an article by Ray Ortlund about fatherhood. In the article he gives 10 unforgettable lessons about fatherhood which I think are very helpful. I hope it’s an edifying read.
To Do
Run to God
Life does not always go the way we want it to. Sometimes the pressure piles up, brings disappointment, pain and strain. In these moments there is that one thing that we go to for comfort. For some it’s food, others its booze and some even find solace in friends or they hide in a good book. Some of these things are good and do at times bring us comfort.
However, I have learnt from experience that things are not reliable. The people that you run to for comfort may disappear when you need them the most or you may find yourself unable to get the comforts you need. Things fail and can easily become a handicap, for example alcohol can become an addiction which is detrimental to your health.
God on the other hand is always Consistent. He is all powerful, omnipresent and He doesn’t change with time. He promises us ever present comfort and help when we are troubled. Nothing can compare to the peace that he gives which cannot be taken away. So instead of running to things or people when we need help or comfort, let us run to our Father in heaven. Don’t replace God with created things. It only ends in disappointment and more sorrow. So, whenever you need comfort, run to God. He is only a prayer away.
Bible Verse
Deuteronomy 5:16 ESV
“‘Honor your father and your mother, as the LORD your God commanded you, that your days may be long, and that it may go well with you in the land that the LORD your God is giving you.
Honoring our parents is something that is important to God. So much so that he included it in the commandments that he gave Moses and He also added a very clear reward for it. Your days will be many, and all will go well with you in the land. In whatever we do let us honor our Heavenly Father by honoring our earthly parents.