To Watch: The Chosen

Are you eager to encounter and experience Jesus in a new way?

Then this multi-season series is a must watch.

Directed and co-written by Dallas Jenkins, The Chosen is unique and beautiful series that urges us to “come and see” Jesus through the eyes of those who walked beside him.

Drawing on the intimate and human experiences of those whose lives He touched, The Chosen is a series that is sure to help you encounter Jesus in a new and fresh way.

Download and watch the series on the free app here or watch the first episode for free below

To Listen: Praise The Name (Ancient Doors) by REVERE (ft Benita Jones)

Praise is a good way of magnifying God and releasing His power in your life. It’s also a wonderful way to step into His presence and spend time with Him.

So right now, why don’t you enter into the powerful atmosphere of worship with this song “Praise the Name” and join Revere in praising the name of Jesus Christ.

As you do, surrender to the Lord, lay your burdens at His feet and open your heart for an encounter with God.


To Read: Remember, the Future is In God’s Hands by Amy Simpson

Have you found yourself feeling fearful about the future? Are you drifting away from God because of it?

In this blog, Amy Simpson shares tips on how to press into God when you are afraid of the unknown. She also teaches us how to be honest with the Lord and build intimacy with Him as we lean into Him and His Holy Spirit.

So, instead of letting your fears and doubts draw you away from God, read this blog, and learn how to let them draw you closer.

To Do: Take Time Out

You can’t draw close to Jesus, if you don’t spend time with Him. That is why it is very important to make time to be with the Lord daily.

Make time to sit at His feet and hear His Words, make time to read His Word and pray.

As a Christian, your top priority should be your relationship with God, so it is important that you make an effort to nurture it. Of course, this can’t be done through your own will and power. You will need God to enable you to do so.

So this week, ask the Lord to help you and show you ways can take time out to spend time in His presence.

 Bible Verse: Matthew 6:6 (NKJV)

But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.

What you receive in the open is directly related to what you do in the secret. If you spend time secretly sowing seeds of discord and cursing, it will show in your life.

But if you spend time reading the Word, meditating on the Word and praying in the secret, your life will reflect that.

So, as you meditate on this verse, ask the Lord to help you to start cultivating good habits and doing godly things in the secret. As you spend more time with God in your quiet places, you will receive the fruit and rewards of your secret prayer in the open.