What to Do When You’re Feeling Sorrowful

Do you ever have moments when your heart feels sick and you feel inexplicably sad? Do you ever feels like despite the beauty in the word, all the ugliness is the only thing you can see?  Is life just making you feel sorrowful? I am here to tell you to be of good cheer, all is well, because we can find comfort in God; our light and life. And when you are feeling sorrowful, here is what you can do.


  1. Sing Sing Sing (to the Lord)

One thing I have learned in life is that regardless of what is going on around me, regardless of what I see, God is still worthy of praise. God is great even when life isn’t it and He is to be greatly praised. (Psalms 48:1, Psalms 47:6-7). One of the ways in which I can praise Him is by singing.


When I sing I am recognising God’s goodness, His love and His mercy and His faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:22-23)  I am telling Him that He deserves to be lifted up more than my feelings of sorrow. And crazily enough I find that when I focus on God this way; when I put myself in a position of praise my spirits get lifted and I feel less sorrowful.


  1. Pray Pray Pray

The next thing you can do when you are feeling sorrowful, is pray. God hears us when we call, (Psalms 4:3) when we cry out to Him. So pour out your spirit to Him. Let Him hear your complaints and worries. Your fears and doubts. But, also let Him know that He is good and remember the promises that He has made to you. (This is key!)


We can take some cues from the Psalms, which are a wonderful blueprint for prayer and the Psalmist; he pours out His heart to the Lord and tells Him exactly what He is feeling. But he never forgets to remember that God is his refuge, his secret place and that God is good. (Psalms 31:9-20) It is important to remember the good, because if you keep your gaze fixated on the negative you will not get positive results and you will just stay sorrowful.


  1. Read Read Read

Finally, what you must do is read the Word. Go and read what God is saying about you, thinking about you and promising you. Read it, meditate on it and confess it. Confess the truth of the Word over what you feel. The Word says that the joy of the Lord is your strength and so because God is always joyful you are always strong. The Word says that you have overcome the wicked one (1 John 2:14) and have authority over all the powers of the enemy (Luke 10:19) and that includes, sorrow.

You need to take these scriptures and remember that they are true, not just for the people in them but for you.


Often in life things happen that just seem set on bringing you down but you would do well to remember that God loves you and He wants you to be at peace and full of joy. He cares for your heart and He will bind up all the wounds life gives you, (Psalms 147:3) all you have to do is turn to Him. I pray that as you continue to look to God, He reveals more ways in which you can combat the enemy sorrow when it comes. Stay blessed.