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Podcast Episode 203- Do we relate to God as a Father or a Ruler
In this Episode we discuss how we are supposed to relate to God as the Father , sharing lessons we have learnt about...
Podcast EP 202- Why forgiveness really matters
In this episode we discuss the true meaning of forgiveness and why it really matters with Dr David Broom and...
Podcast Episode 201- What does God have planned for you this year?
Its normal custom to start the year with goal setting, resolutions and making plans to have a great year. While this...
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Podcast Episode 203- Do we relate to God as a Father or a Ruler
In this Episode we discuss how we are supposed to relate to God as the Father , sharing lessons we have learnt about God the Father through our experience as earthly fathers. We discuss characteristics of God the Father that we appreciate more and...
Podcast Episode 201- What does God have planned for you this year?
Its normal custom to start the year with goal setting, resolutions and making plans to have a great year. While this is a noble thing to do , there is a risk that we can set out to make plans that may not be aligned to God's will for our lives,...
Podcast Episode 199- Tapedza Masanganise on leaving everything for Jesus
What does it take to really follow Jesus? In this episode we have a very inspiring conversation with Tapedza Masanganise, Lead Elder at Kingdom People Church in Harare. We discuss Jesus' call to us his disciples to leave everything and follow him...
Episode 198- Live Wise Die Ready ( A chat with Courtney Anitpas)
Is it harder to live the Christian life today than it was back in the day? Why do some fall way and what does it take to stay in the Faith? We sit down with Hip Hop Artist and Cinematographer Courtney Antipas who also started a Christian movement...
Podcast Episode 197- Gordon Putterill on the Greatness of God revealed through Nature
In this Episode we sit down with Gordon Putterill who runs Bally Vaughan game park and we talk about how God speaks to us and reveals himself through Nature in an amazing way. Gordon who has built a remarkable career as a Game Ranger and Safari...
Podcast Episode 196 – How Blahtee Muchemwa RAN HIS RACE and made an impact
In this episode we pay tribute to a dear friend and great supporter of our podcast Blahtee Muchemwa by sharing his impactful life story. Blahtee who in spite of battling a chronic disease, (Sickle Cell Anaemia) , relentlessly pursued God and his...
Podcast Episode 203- Do we relate to God as a Father or a Ruler
In this Episode we discuss how we are supposed to relate to God as the Father , sharing lessons we have learnt about...
Podcast EP 202- Why forgiveness really matters
In this episode we discuss the true meaning of forgiveness and why it really matters with Dr David Broom and...
Podcast Episode 201- What does God have planned for you this year?
Its normal custom to start the year with goal setting, resolutions and making plans to have a great year. While this...
Videos Latest
MUSIC VIDEO REVIEW: Ndimambo_Tinashe Nyamukapa
Tinashe Nyamukapa has just released a visual for his song Ndimambo. The song which means He Is King is from his latest...
MUSIC VIDEO: Courtney Antipas-Be Yourself
Renowned Zimbabwean rapper Courtney Antipas has just released the first visual for his latest album "Transparent" and...
Meet The Artist: David Kalilani Interview
Image and Interview credit: Christian Hip-hop in Africa is growing as it gains more acceptance due to...