Renowned Zimbabwean rapper Courtney Antipas has just released the first visual for his latest album “Transparent” and its for the song- Be Yourself. I feel the song choice for the the first video is quite apt because it’s one the most powerful songs on the album. Its an inspiring song that speaks to the African youth, challenging stereotypes and encouraging them to embrace who God has made them to be. Its a campaign to break away from the negative labels that have been placed on Africans.

The video itself is so good, simple, well put together and the concept is on point. He demonstrates that you don’t need a big budget to present a good visual. He incorporated some very powerful imagery that clearly sends the meassage accross to the viewer.

This is definitely a definitely a song that will inspire you to embrace your own identity not only as an African but as a Christian living in the freedom that Christ given us and to break away from the negative labels and the ‘ Wanna be’ mentality.

You can buy a copy of the album using Ecocash, Visa or Mastercard using our easy payment process Click here to buy the Album

Check out the video below.