I know it seems pertinent to ask “but why us and why now of all years?” especially for the 90’s generation. We’ve had roadblocks and humps strewn across our path since high school most of us are stuck living with our parents because they managed to buy their homes while securing our education and then the Titanic began to sink.

Now we are working in an environment where our degrees mean nothing and if you can buy yourself an ex-Jap car and struggle to pay rent every month then you are living the Zimbabwean dream. There’s a whole lot more I could add in there, but my point is clear.

Things are rough out here and many of us didn’t have access to those very few life boats now we lay frozen in a death like state where dreams and aspirations are nasty ghosts haunting our minds with all that could have been.

I think it’s time to look past why and towards the very obvious fact that we are still here. We are taking in gulps of the bitter selfish water which is inevitable as we try to stay afloat but surely every day, we don’t drown is a day worth celebrating isn’t it?

Someone is so caught up on the why it’s happening that they can’t see past the fact that it is part of the journey and can be navigated to a smoother section. Dear somebody even if you are offended at how unfair it is it’s still happening, so you may as well stop fighting the system and start talking with God about how to make it through.

I think I’m some kind of serial discusser because I have a lot of chats which lead me to a point of revelation every week. This week I got two from separate conversations.

The first one came after an inspiring testimony from a young man who was cured of cancer Mhan! I’ve never seen someone so contagiously on fire with faith. I left the chat feeling like Goliath better try something coz I’ve got five fierce nuggets in my heart that would show him whose boss.

Nugget 1: when God has a plan for you nothing can deter that plan not even you. The winds may roar, the earth may quake and the murderers may stalk you day and night. You may even be so foolish as to think your life is your own but you will always end up exactly where you are meant to be and what’s more you will love what He has purposed for you. Don’t get it twisted in the tempest God is not easily moved to forget His plan or His promise.

Nugget 2: plant your address firmly in God so that when He posts the registered mail (provision) to get you out of trouble you have the slip (faith from hearing and hearing from the word) that will grant you access to your problem solving package. This one was quite hectic because it reminded me that God is always speaking if we hearken to hear Him. Often we are on the other side of town in that dodgy neighbourhood called Pride where the network is bad and egotistical goons threaten our livelihood then we wonder why we can’t make a connection.

Nugget 3:  learn your father’s words and His voice so that when He calls you there is no question about it. Hear Him so loud and clear that when He says come to me on the water you know where to place your eyes as your feet do the impossible. Many of us are game changers but we are playing hide and seek with our mountain instead of putting it in its place. So afraid of failure that we jump at our own shadows but God accounted for our failure and made it so that even failure can drive us.

Nugget 4:  You will never have more on your plate than God can empower you to handle. The day of humble beginnings does not reduce the level of anointing on your life. You may be in minority settings but you are made of majority and that is why they can’t keep a righteous man down.

Nugget 5: is from the second conversation with another friend. This is a very chilled guy like he just does not get upset. At first I found it strange and figured he was a faker but now I’ve known him long enough to know that is how chilled he actually is. So, I asked him how he did it and he gave me an example of driving a car.

He said if you drive your car carelessly speeding over humps, hitting every pothole, ignoring traffic or engine check lights and parking anyhow don’t be surprised when it breaks down. The moral of the story was that our mind is this car and our job is to negotiate the road with the utmost care for it. There are other drivers on the road too and it is also our responsibility to be courteous to them. This not only keeps the roads safe but keeps driving the convenient exercise it was always meant to be.

My prayer today is for survival strategies that apply to each of us in our own specific situations. I’ve never believed in one size fits all approach but God’s love is the first thing to get me believing. May He visit each and every one of us in a new way to show us our true strength and make our specific burdens lighter. Amen