There is a reason for every season

I always think about this from a school perspective like how there’s ECD to Grade School to High School and Tertiary Institutions particularly how the depth of teaching increases by stage. When we are in Grade School (well I don’t know about now but certainly during the pre-historic time I was in Grade School) one did not minus two, we would answer that as “it can’t” and actually be correct.

Then we moved up to High School and the dreaded more complex math destroyed our misguided notion that such a thing was not possible. Not only did it become possible for one to minus two it also became possible to solve more detailed equations than that (and that’s as far as I’ll go with the math talk considering things didn’t work out between he and I LOL).

Anyway the point I’m trying to make is that when you are in a particular season you may believe certain things to be true but because development is constant you begin to acquire a deeper sense of understanding about some of these previous truths and may discover that there is another angle of looking at them that actually renders them incorrect.

In fact coming into this new revelation may give you hope that you previously didn’t have because you had erroneously accepted that what you saw is what you were meant to get. Before our personal revelation of God life was black and white, it was tit for tat and what you saw really is what you got. Everything was about sight and not much was consciously about faith.  We were always waiting to see before we could believe and this was the natural way of things.

For me it’s literally only now that I know that my belief causes me to see and be thankful for things that I previously would have had to see first before I could lend my faith in them or myself to get them. I used to believe that I was destined for doom and I couldn’t even plan or visualise my future because I just couldn’t shake the feeling that there wasn’t one for me. I just believed one day it would end for me and no one would care.

The world never revolved around me so what else could I expect when I left it. Things would be back to normal as if I was never here. If someone had told me just a week ago that I was going to save somebody’s life because of this stubborn boldness that has been in me since I can remember I wouldn’t have believed it. It’s one thing to speak your mind in a blog and an entirely different thing to be a helping hand alone in the dead of night to a complete stranger.

Finding Nyasha

He was unconscious and hurt alone in his car which had just crashed through a common crash site along second. I was on my way home around midnight from catching up with my friends when I noticed tail lights on a car that seemed to be parked at what I thought was a gate along the street.

There was just one small problem there are no gates along Second Street and there didn’t seem to be anyone else at the scene though most cars continued to speed past. So on impulse I u-turned and drove back to check it out. I parked along the main road and locked my phone and handbag in the car hoping if it turned out to be something else I could then quickly get back to Lola (my littu car) and drive off.

As I got closer I saw that the windows were shattered and there didn’t seem to be anyone in the car until I got the driver’s side to find Nyasha unconscious. At that point I went into purposed-human-being-mode. There was no time to think about my inadequacies or the fact that I have no real medical training, there was only time to do whatever I could to help. So I tried to get him to wake up and he was non-responsive, a chill ran down my spine as I wondered what on earth I was going to do if this person had passed on from his injuries.

I felt for a pulse and there it was strong and easily detectable even to my untrained hands I can’t explain the relief I felt. From that point I made my way to Lola, grabbed my phone then went to the guard house to alert the guard anga abatwa nezvehusiku (that’s how  we describe someone being sleepy at work LOL night time work is hectic just to put it out there). The guard woke up and accompanied me back to the car.

I tried again to wake Nyasha and this time it almost seemed like he would wake up but he still couldn’t so I called an ambulance right away and described his condition to the tech (mind you I only made an effort to have an ambulance number in my phone after working in the medical field and seeing the difference it can make in saving a life). The tech confirmed they had noted the call and would arrange something so from there I stretched out my hand to him and went into prayer.

I don’t know what I was saying but I remembered that at Cell group earlier in the week we had been discussing how praying in the spirit was an exchange of mysteries between the Holy Spirit and God as well as how the Holy Spirit is our helper, comforter and intercessor. Lord knows I didn’t have the right words to say in my own capacity. As I was rounding up prayer it looked like Nyasha was convulsing so I quickly called the ambulance again to update and ask what I should do and the tech informed me to wait because an ambulance would arrive in the next few minutes.

As I stood at the passenger side window where I had been praying from I felt convicted to move to the driver’s window and support Nyasha’s neck so I did and kept that position until the ambulance finally arrived. While I was there he regained consciousness and was surprised and confused so I asked him to stay calm and try not to move, that’s when I learnt his name.

The ambulance arrived a few seconds later and did their thing and put on a neck brace, secured him on a spine board and ferried him to the ER. I’m sure you are curious to know what became of Nyasha, well he is making a full recovery and all scans and x-rays show that there were no internal or external injuries aside from the cuts and bruises. I had the honour of meeting his parents and I can’t tell you how humbling it is to be thanked by such a grateful family.

They thanked me for saving their son and yet he had saved a part of me too by re-affirming that there is a useful reason why I woke up that morning and now everyday since then I wake up feeling purposeful and I will always remember that even I with my little black book full of mistakes can help to make a significant difference in the world. One day when he recounts the story to his kids the memory of that bold lady will live on and if that is the only good thing I accomplish in this life then I’m proud to be me. #Be your most Dazzling self.

About the author

Sharon Rateiwa is a lover of art with a natural flair for the artistic. When she isn’t sharing inspirational pieces with the world, she designs and performs as a singer and poet. Sharon believes that we of God’s generation have a mandate to take up Godly arms in the fight for a meaningful existence. She gives encouragement by sharing her own colourful encounters.