We are in God’s hands

Isn’t it amazing to be so divinely purposed that you were called by name long before you were even formed in your mother’s womb? Let’s stop right here for second to just silently consider how vital our existence is and how valid it was that we (you in particular) woke up today despite the fact that there was absolutely nothing we could do in our human capacity to ensure this.

As death went about knocking on every door last night he could not enter yours because he was expressly forbidden to do so. As the day was weighed and the quota regulated in the heavens you were among the creatures that were purposed to be here today. Right this moment your story is a ray of light contributing to the history currently taking place.

Though you are an elaborate speck of dust God knows the number of hairs on your head and the things that you hide so well behind your make-up and fancy clothes. That entire package is His and He cares for it more than you or I ever could. So before you get to feeling left out or forgotten one reality you can never escape is that God is with you every step of your way. He doesn’t clock out a 4.50pm because His day ends at 5 the way we do.

He doesn’t need to excuse himself from the desk to join a fuel queue and He doesn’t have to read the headlines in the newspaper to know what move to make next. He is the giver of life and He has seen fit to renew that gift to you today. The question is what you gonna do about it? It’s not about Zimbabwe or the economy it’s about you and what He placed in you.

The story of Joseph

This story inspires me because it confirms that though we may walk through the valley of the shadow of death we never walk alone. Every single moment of our lives God is with us. In His hands we are saved, preserved and moulded to be the great creations that only He makes.

Ugly things happen, ugly words are said but God’s healing grace has this way of turning every situation around for our good. My message is for someone who has had it up to here with the snide remarks, the persistent ridicule and the strange guilt you’ve had to carry because you felt you were the problem and deserved to be treated so.

Just thought I’d take the liberty to remind you about a young man who was given a dream which changed the trajectory of his life. The long troublesome journey began with jealous betrayal went on to spurned contempt which sent him to prison innocent as he was and finally the day came when the series of events came full circle and he was restored.

It was at this point that he famously said “But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive.” [Genesis 50:20 NKJV]. Joseph forgave his brothers and made sure they were set in the land God had positioned him.

An interesting thing about the stories in the bible is that they don’t go into the same kind of deliberate detail that a movie or a series might so you never really see the moment of awkward silence between the realisation that your brothers aren’t coming back and that this is actually happening.

I’ve always wondered why they didn’t go into deeper detail until I realised in my own story that those details are reserved for me because they are mine and I have been given the ability to share them as I see fit. There’s a power in having a story to share because something happens when you relay those finer details.

The laughter at your naiveté or the flush on your cheeks from the embarrassment still fresh in your mind all these things add to lessons that others can learn without ever having to experience the same thing you did.

We too are on a journey

“Sometimes it’s the journey that teaches you a lot about your destination” – Drake. Journeys have a power of transformation like nothing else. As you dodge the bullets or get hit sometimes infinite good is there to be released from the experience. “Transformation is a process, and as life happens there are tons of ups and downs. It’s a journey of discovery – there are moments on mountain tops and moments in deep valleys of despair – Rick Warren

My prayer today is that we remember that the journey is part of the destination and that we take comfort from being in our Father’s hands. Amen