It can be tempting to want to play pretend.

Pretend you are perfect.

Pretend you have your life in order.

Pretend you are okay.

But whilst you may fool others, and even yourself, with your game of pretend. There is one Person you can’t fool, that’s God.

Hebrews 4:13 says: And there is no creature hidden from His sight, but all things are naked and open to Him to whom we must give account. (NKJV)

This verse shows that as much as you might try to, you cannot hide from God. Not your flaws or faults. Not your actions or your sins. He sees all things clearly and He sees you clearly.

So instead of turning to deception, hiding or pretending, just be open and honest with God.

Be Honest With God

There are so many parts of ourselves that we can hide, knowingly or unknowingly. But it is so comforting to know that we are fully known by God and yet still so fully loved. It is also so liberating to let yourself be known by God.

But if you desire to live a life free of guilt, shame and fear, you must be honest with God. That means you need to stop covering up your weaknesses and trying to look invincible. Stop covering up your sins in an attempt to appear perfect. Stop hiding your dreams, desires and fears and let God know about them.

If you have been struggling to do that, here are a two ways you can start opening up and being honest, not only with yourself but with God.

1. Talk to God

It sounds almost too simple. But truly one of the most important ways you can start being honest with God is simply by talking to Him.

Just come before God with all of your sin, your fears, your desires. That may mean literally sitting alone and recalling your life experiences and talking to God about them, honestly. With no filters, excuses or justifications.

Let Him in on the struggle you are going through, the battle between what you want and what you know is right. Or the lie you believe versus what His Word says is true. Or even what you desire for your life and what He desires for it.

Pray and ask Him to help you to do what is right in His eyes.

Once you do, you will see how the Lord will show Himself strong on your behalf. You will be surprised by the amount of grace and help you will receive in your time of need. (Hebrews 4:16)

2. Journal

Another great way to be honest with God is journaling. What’s great about it, is that you don’t have to be an exceptional writer to do it. And you don’t need fancy equipment either. You just need a pen and a book.

What you journal doesn’t have to complicated. It can just be writing down your thoughts and emotions and getting them all out in the open where you (and God) can see them.

Journaling is a great way to process your emotions and experiences and it’s also a wonderfully intimate and private way of just meeting and speaking with the Lord.

God Desires Truth

Behold you desire truth in the inward parts, and in the hidden part you will make me to know wisdom.

Psalm 51:6 (NKJV)

As this verse reveals, God desires truth. How amazing, that this revelation should come from a Psalm written after King David committed an adulterous sin.

David slept his soldier’s wife and then killed him to cover up the deed. But when a prophet of God was led by God to reprimand him, David repented. He cried out to God, confessed that He had done the wrong thing and sinned then he asked for forgiveness. (2 Samuel 11 and 12)

He was open about his sin and honest about it.

This shows us that God wants us as His children to be truthful and honest. Not just to appear truthful and honest on the outside but to actually be truthful and honest on the inside.

Opening up and standing bare before the Lord may not be comfortable initially but ultimately, it is freeing.

Knowing that you are not hidden or hiding from God but are completely seen by Him will give you peace and comfort. It will also keep you humble and honest.