God is not that hard to find. It may not always seem like it, but it’s true. It’s easy to fall into the trap of thinking that to spend time with God or to be with Him you must go off to some distant mountain or seclude yourself in a church. But that is not so. To be with God you don’t have to go far because you can find Him and be with Him in every moment of every day.

God is in Every Moment of Everyday

God is with us in every moment of everyday, when we wake in the morning and when we lie down to sleep. During the day as we walk and talk and live, He is there. In Acts 17:27-28, Paul tells us that God is not far from us because in Him we live and move and have our being. Imagine that! God is the life within in you. If that is the case, it means that for as long as you are living and breathing, you can be with God. (And then in eternity once you leave this earth). But how to you begin to appreciate this truth and actually be with God in every moment?

Well one of the ways in which you can do this is by keeping your mind on God throughout the day.

Keep Your Mind on God throughout the Day

As humans, we tend to live pretty busy lives. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, as we are told by God Himself to work, (2 Thessalonians 3:10) but it can be a hindrance at times, especially when it comes to having relationship with God. We can get so busy and preoccupied that the last thing on our minds’ is God. But that should not be the case.

The first and most predominant thought in our heads should be our Heavenly Father. Not only will this keep us in perfect peace (Isaiah 26:3), but this is how we can commune and fellowship with God in every moment. You can spend time with God by simply thinking of Him; taking the time to look around at the world He has created or recalling the ways in which He has moved in your life.

This is great because it means we don’t always have to be alone somewhere to be with God. We can simply meditate on Him throughout the day and acknowledge Him in every moment.

Acknowledge God in Every Moment

Acknowledging God in every moment is another way in which you can spend time with God. God gives good and perfect gifts, (James 1:17) and it is Him who is the Author of peace and prosperity. Yet, when things are going well in life, sometimes people don’t realise that it is because of God. Even something as simple as driving to work and not getting stuck in a traffic jam or easily finding all the groceries you need at the shops. Or someone blessing you with a kind word or enjoying a meal.

All the great and small moments of good are from God, and you need to acknowledge that. Thank Him for His hands which guide you and for His mercy and favour; His protection and grace. Without these things our lives would be filled with a lot of evil and trouble. (Deuteronomy 31:17)

When we thankfully receive God’s gifts and blessings to us it gives Him pleasure.  He appreciates it when we appreciate Him. What’s more, when you constantly keep yourself tuned to the way God moves in your life, the more you will become aware of His presence in every moment.

Be With God in Prayer

Another way in which you can be with God in every moment is through prayer. As disciples of Jesus we are to pray without ceasing. (1 Thessalonians 5:17) This doesn’t mean just praying when you eat and before you sleep, but it means praying in every moment. Prayer isn’t just about asking God for things or even just saying thank you, prayer is also about talking and fellowshipping with God.

God is a Person and He desires relationship with us. God wants a relationship with us in which we approach Him as beloved sons and daughters (Romans 8:17), as friends (John 15:15).  Imagine having a relative or friend who only spoke to you when they needed something or when they wanted to thank you from some gift received weeks ago. That wouldn’t be much of a relationship would it? It’s the same with God.

God wants you to come to Him and talk to Him about all things; bad and good. He wants to laugh with you and sing with you; to walk and sit with you. He wants to spend quiet time with you and be with you in every moment. God is not an ATM; a place we go to only when we are in need.  He is our Father and Friend and He desires for our prayer to reflect that.


God Always Wants to Be With Us

We need to realise and remember that more than anything God wants a real relationship with us. This relationship can only grow as we step out in love and faith and seek to be with God every day. As we do this we will realise that God is always close; always with us, and He always wants to be with us, in every moment of every day.