Every week we recommend 5 things to help you on your christian walk. On our list is something to watch, to listen to, to read, to do and a bible verse. Our focus for this week is taking care of our body, which is the temple of God. Check it out…

To Watch

For this week out recommendation is a video by Joseph Solomon in which he talks about how God cares about what we eat/our eating habits. I hope you find what he says to be helpful and practical for your day to day life.

Watch it here

To Listen

Our to listen this week is a podcast by John piper. In this episode he talks about how to guage whether a sermon is too long or not. He gives some interesting insights that I thinkcan help you as believe when listening to sermons and even when writing them.

Listen here

To Read

This week’s to read is an article on waiting by Jade Mazarin. In it she talks about how God is working in our waiting for our good to shape us and build us. I hope it encourages you for those seasons in life when you have to wait on God.

Read it here

To do

Eat Right
We live in a time where we are very fortunate to have a lot of options when it comes to food. There are many restaurants, fast food outlets and even just options as what we can get from our local supermarket. This has been a gift and a curse. Why? Because all of these options are not always healthy and anything consumed in excess can harm you.
As Christians our bodies are the temple of God and therefore we must treat them with the care and reverence that that entails. God desires for us to live a healthy and abundant life and that requires us to watch what we eat to make sure that we remain in good health. I highly encourage believers to do research on healthy diets, so we can be able to make sure that our families are eating healthy balanced meals. For starters we can begin by looking into the effects processed foods and whether they are actually good for out health or not. There will be lots of insightful information about it online but just make sure you only read from credible sources like published journals by experts and so forth. The healtier we are the more produsctive and useful we are in serving our Lord Jesus Christ.

Bible Verse

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 ESV
Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, [20] for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.

Inthis verse the Bible reminds us that, if we are in Him, Christ bought us and our bodies nolonger belong to us but God as the temple of the Holy Spirit that lives within us. With this in mind we are to approach everything to do with the body in a manner that glorifies God, be it what we eat and drink or the activities we do with our bodies.