Planning for the New Year has always been a daunting task for me probably because in a typical fashion I try to do it all at once. I savour it like that last slice of Bar One birthday cake stealthily hidden from prying eyes lest I must share yet I end up overwhelmed and unable to think of anything.

I then start the year in head lamp mode where I literally move as far as I can see until the next point and though I’ve had some fun times this way I’ve also had to pay the price of not having had the conversation with myself in advance about what exactly I wanted.

When you’re not grounded by your plan to attain what you desire smoke and mirrors can fascinate you to be swept up like a child watching the circus for the first time and wanting to move on to the next town with it.

Many times, the “talking bear” has lost its appeal when I realised that it was just a show gimmick and I hadn’t really needed to skip town with the circus crew. The thrill was fun for the moment but when there were no more laughs to go around, I was stuck on stage one, but the circus is the circus and their show must go on despite you.

What to do differently in 2019

After some major reflecting on 2018 this year I want to do some things differently and I hope my little list will inspire you too.

  1. Learn to honour yourself by seeking the Father’s heart towards you.

Life can be long and hard when you take other people’s flawed ideas of love and try to weigh your self-worth against that. One person may think beating the living day lights out of you or taking every opportunity to pull you down is their twisted way of showing their love for you but we have the bible which shows us the truth about love. Even higher than the bible is the author who is God who knows the plans He has for us so don’t despair even when the walls are caving in God’s got you;

  1. Give yourself time to think about what you really want and give your heart a chance to speak

Some of those desires especially the ones that give you an incredible sense of peace and a bold sense of purpose to impact other people’s lives are actually from God. He purposed you into existence and equipped you to do the very things that you enjoy so take as much time as you need to figure it out because misery is a paralysing companion who befriends those who ignore this opportunity. Don’t go through life never knowing the full joy to be had in it.

  1. Stop falling apart like a two-dollar suitcase every time trouble strikes.

Some people worried themselves into an early grave and never saw the great apocalypse that limited their lives. Yes “The sky is falling. The sky is falling…” like Chicken Little pointed out but so what? The sky has been falling since the beginning of time and your world ends the moment you take your last breath.

These are troublesome times and trouble has never ceased being right around the corner from every break through so take comfort when trouble is chasing you it means you are breaking through.

Side note This doesn’t mean trouble from the police by the way hahahahahaha umwe anoita breaking and entering ozoti (one might resort to breaking and entering and then say) trouble is following my breakthrough. That’s not what I mean.

  1. Trust the process you ARE on your way somewhere.


God begins things, so He can finish them. He doesn’t waste us even when we feel wasted or other people point out how much of a waste, they think we are. I’ve fallen into despair sometimes when I try to calculate my steps and weigh how far behind I am. This kills my energy and excitement and because I’ve identified that I know what not to do.

I choose to be energised by the fact that God is not done with me yet. You may meet me today and frown at how far off your expected mark I am but God who is moulding me knows exactly when to add the next brush stroke to complete His masterpiece.

My prayer today is that you enjoy a blessed 2019, may goodness and mercy follow you in every endeavour, may you find comfort in God’s love for you and may you overcome beyond even your wildest expectations. Amen