For a long time, the way ahead had always been clear even if it wasn’t always fully visible. With His lamp guiding your unsteady feet, glimpses of what waited ahead could seen.

But then the time comes when you cannot see what lies ahead. You get no glimpse.

The light of His lamp is still on. You know because it shines above you, around you. But still you cannot see what waits ahead.

And yet, you are fully aware that He is still there with you. He has not abandoned you. But your  eyes still long for sight, your heart still yearns for the assurance of knowing what is coming.

And now you find yourself wondering how you are supposed to keep moving forward when you can’t see what lies ahead? And if you can still trust God to lead you?

 What Lies Ahead?

Have you ever experienced anything like that?

You go through a time where you have such clear vision of what is going to happen next in your life.

A breakthrough in x area is close. You will be getting this house around x time.

But then suddenly you cannot see anything. It feels as if you are stuck in a void. Ironically, it’s a void filled with light but you still can’t see what’s ahead. You are fully aware that God is with you and yet you feel so blind.

It’s a strange place to be in, both safe and uncertain at the same time. But it can also be rather confusing, especially when it comes to moving forward. How do you, when you can’t see as you usually do?

It’s in moments like these, more than when God gives you the grace to see ahead, that you must really trust in the Lord.

Trusting in the Lord When You Can’t See

It’s easy to trust the Lord when you can see where each of the steps He asks of you are going to take you or if you have an idea of where they might lead.

But when you cannot see what the outcome of a move or decision will be. How long you might stay in a particular situation, it can be frightening.

What’s more, it tests your faith. Such situations truly brings 2 Corinthians 5:7 to life, “For we walk by faith not by sight.”

And part of walking by faith is trusting God.

Trusting that He is in control and that He will not let your foot slip.

Trusting that He will guide you safely even though you cannot see what lies ahead.

It’s a trying process that will undoubtedly test your faith, but for your faith to be refined, it must be tested.

But it’s a blessing that God gives us a way to navigate such situations. One way you can find strength as you walk with the Lord during such times is by holding on to His word.

Don’t Let Go Of The Word

Don’t panic and abandon God’s Word when you cannot see what is ahead.

Both physically and spiritually, don’t let go of it. Turn to it daily and read it to strengthen yourself and for continued guidance.

As the Bible says, God’s word is “a lamp to [your] feet and a light to [your] path”. (Psalm 119:105 (ESV)) Whilst that light may not show you the whole road, it will illuminate the path and show you where to place your feet.

As you take those uncertain steps through the unknown, it’s also important to remember the truth you read in God’s Word.

Remember the Truth

When you are afraid and uncertain, your mind can be most vulnerable to thoughts of doubt and worry. That is why when you are cannot clearly see what lies ahead, you must remember the truth.

Remember who God says He is in His Word and repeat that truth in your mind.

Remember the times that God has rescued you and come through for you and remind yourself that He will do it again.

When those negative thoughts come, use the sword that is the Word of God to drive them back. (Ephesians 6:17)

I wish I could say it will be easy but the truth is that it will be challenging. Some moments all you will want to do is succumb to the doubt and surrender to the fear. You might want to get angry at God for putting you in such a trying position, for not making it easier like you secretly hoped He would.

None of those things will accomplish anything for you and will likely prevent you from moving forward. Because even though you might not see what lies ahead, you still need to move forward.

You Still Need to Keep Walking

Giving up and stopping in the middle of the journey may come as a tempting thought. But if you stop, you will stay in that uncomfortable situation, who knows for how long.

If you stop, you limit God and the powerful work He wants to do in your life and in the lives of those around you.

If you stop, you lose the battle to darkness.

It would be a shame to travel so far with the Lord and then give up because things got too hard. You must learn to endure if you want to experience eternal and deep transformation. If you want to receive the promises and breakthroughs you have been anticipating. Ultimately, you must endure if you want to see the other side.

Standing still won’t get you there but walking will.

Even when your steps falter, even when your breath shakes, even when your body grows tired, endure and persevere.

Without a doubt, God will not fail you and whether or not you can see what lies ahead, all that matters is that God can see and He will faithfully guide you on.