To Watch: How a Former Abortion Doctor to Become Pro-Life, Dr. Patti Diebink

The modern culture has led many to believe that the unborn child cannot be considered human life. It has also taught many women that often the only option they have is abortion.

As a former abortion doctor at Planned Parenthood, Dr Patti Diebink would have agreed. But after reading Scripture and drawing closer to God, she has now has a different view when it comes to the issue.

Watch this episode of Focus on the Family and be freed from the lies and misconceptions of modern culture concerning abortion and hear God’s heart on the issue.


To Listen: 5 Secular Claims and the Biblical Response: Rebecca McLaughlin Interview| The Becket Cook Show

Too often, Christians are poorly equipped to understand and even counter some of the claims made by secular culture. Some of these claims include “The Gay Rights Movement is the New Civil-Rights Movement”, “Transgender Women are Women”, “Love is Love” and “Black Lives Matter”.

In this episode of the Becket Cook Show, the host sits down with guest speaker, Rebecca Mclaughlin to discuss, dissect and understand these claims and how Christians should respond to them. Have a listen to be edified and enlightened.


To Read: What Submission is Not by Juli Slattery

The world has poorly understood submission, causing women within and without the church to have a negative view of the word. As Christians we must be careful not to be swept away by what modern culture says.

It is important to examine the concept of submission (and all things) in light of God’s design and plan. In this article, Juli Slattery, does just that.

Sharing 5 myths surrounding submission, she gives light into what people think submission is and what Scripture reveals it actually is. Read this and be enlightened.

To Do: Be Discerning

When certain statements and claims are made by the world, don’t be quick to support them. Instead take time to understand the real heart behind them and to examine them in light of God’s Word. In other words, be discerning.

Don’t be swept up by every wind of doctrine or teaching. Remain grounded in God’s Word and let it be your marker for what is good and acceptable and perfect.


Bible Verse: Colossians 2:8 (ESV)

See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to the human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ.

The philosophies of the often extremely educated people that make some of the statements that govern our modern culture can be convincing.

But Paul cautions us not to be cheated of the truth by such philosophy, regardless of how persuasive it is. It is deceitful, empty and guided by the dark spirits of the world and will lead us from the truth and salvation we have in Christ.

As you meditate on this verse, ask the Lord to reveal to you any philosophy, statements that may have or may be misleading you.