The question is not “if” you are going to overcome the question is when & how

God is not panicking about Zimbabwe so neither should we. I will be the first to admit that it’s easier said than done especially because I frequently find my toes stepped on by the drama which filters down directly to my hustle. Sometimes it feels like a universal conspiracy to push me to give up but unfortunately for that poor conspirator I don’t back down so easily.

I am a majority because God is the major part of me and He made me some promises which allow me to call His name and get answers and provision for all my needs. My problems are many but He gets me through them all and that’s why I can keep going. Now I understand why people have written songs like “…because He lives I can face tomorrow, because He lives all my fear is gone..”. I’m just going to throw Psalms 23 and 91 in there in case the revelation missed you.

It came as an interesting thought that winning is only part of the battle.  Winning takes place well in advance and is only executed on the day. The rest of the battle is deciding whether you are going to fight or not and sharpening your strategic tools when you do.

Winning is the best choice you’ll ever make, and the combination of these things fuelled by the desire for it is what makes the special mixture that often causes the victory. In the off chance that you don’t win the way you had hoped it’s important to analyse the situation and remember that all things come together for the good of those who love Him.

We just weren’t made to fold our hands and hope that turnaround will rise with the sun the next morning and spread over the world like morning dew when we also have a part to play. We contribute enough to the problem so why not contribute to the solution as well. It is usually through this contribution that we acquire the wisdom to maintain the victory.

To stay and fight or to take flight

I got to asking myself, what if the only difference between winning or losing was whether I had stayed to fight or not? Granted there is the unavoidable question of whether it is a fighting situation or not because there are some situations where the wiser calculation is to flee, recuperate and fight another day.

This is not the kind of situation I’m talking about. I’m talking about that day when you needed to stand your ground but chose not to because of some incorrect notion that your Christianity makes you a door mat. I really think this is a misconception about how spritual things work. Sometimes our error  goes so far as to say that when we are not prepared to fight we put it on God and call it his will when we are defeated by things over which He already gave us dominion.

We are so misguided sometimes that we will go to praying fervently for spiritual solutions to practical problems. For example we may pray away debt rather than talk to God about it and listen when He gives us the strategies to come out of it. Notice I said talk to God not tell him the problem and fold your hands in expectation.

There is a difference in that God is practical and He doesn’t need to conjure up heavenly grandeur to get you out of trouble. The point of the conversation is to get really honest about it because sometimes you are the cause and other times the adversity is thrust upon you but it will make you stronger because you need more durability where you’re going.

A better fight for your tomorrow

Let us fight to enter into His rest, fight to keep your eyes stayed on Him, fight to be a channel of His peace, fight to seek His face and finally fight to free our hearts from the emotional baggage that keeps us in misery long after the stimuli are gone. May faith keep us on this path and strengthen us when we are weary because verily trouble does not last always. It’s what happens after the trouble that counts. What are you doing to prepare for the after-trouble?

My prayer today is for the revelation of where we are going so that we may adequately prepare our barns for the harvest. Amen