You’re second chances
Perfection only achieved by adjusting initial efforts
You’re Eve, the mother of all living
An eve before new beginnings.

How does it feel?
To be Isaac’s sister?
To take off your crown
Step down from your throne
And sacrifice your rightful place.
How does it feel to be everything everyone wants?

Do you know wars have been waged for you?
You’re not war
You’re fight
You’re Zelophehad’s daughters
You’re power

By Vimbai Lole

Vimbai Lole is a young lady who has given up trying to understand God, given up trying to starve herself in the name of dieting, given up trying to change the world, given up trying to be an all rounder artist and given up trying to be awesome and cool. Instead, she is learning to love God with an uncompromising passion, to be healthy, to love people and to be happy .She has resolved to appreciating the art in others and hopes to live happily ever after.